We gets lots of questions every day. The answers to the most frequently-asked ones are below. Just click a question to jump to the answer.

Getting Published

Can APA publish my book?

Can APA help me find a publisher?

What advice can you give me?

Industry Statistics and APA Publications

What industry statistics do you produce?

Where are the monthly revenue reports?

What other publications and reports do you produce and make available?

APA Members and Other Publishers

How can I contact APA Members?

How can I find the rights-holder for a published work?

Publishing Industry Careers and Opportunities

How can I find a job in publishing?

Can I attend conferences and other APA-produced events?

Public Relations

I’m a member of the media; how do I contact APA?

I’m not a member of the media; how do I contact APA?

Do you have a speaker for our group?