Preparing Students for Success in a Changing Global Economy
In order to prepare students for the fast-paced 21st century global economy, K-12 and higher education professionals need a wide array of instructional tools, including traditional textbooks and course materials that combine high-quality content with interactive technologies that enable personalized learning.
APA members have responded by continually enhancing and refining their education technology and course materials, and by working to ensure that their offerings remain affordable.
As a result, teachers and students have more choice—and more affordable alternatives—than ever before. At the college level, those choices include print and digital rental options, loose-leaf versions, open educational resources and creative new distribution models such as Inclusive Access programs that provide students with the materials they need on the first day of class, often at a reduced cost. Other options include subscription models that provide unlimited access to a range of textbooks, online homework, and study guides all for one price.
APA is committed to supporting an innovative and dynamic educational publishing industry that enables effective teaching practices and positive student learning outcomes.
Helpful Resources
Frequently Asked Questions About Student Spending on Course Materials & Inclusive Access Programs
Inclusive Access: Myth vs. Fact