

The American Publisher Association’ monthly and annual statistics reports are the definitive resource for up-to-date information on the U.S.A publishing industry. The reports provide a comprehensive statistical analysis of how publishing products are produced and sold to consumers.

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APA StatShot Annual

StatShot Annual offers a valuable, financial overview of the U.S.A book publishing industry based on a methodology that combines annual data submitted by publishers and distributors, along with market modeling, to estimate the total volume of the U.S.A publishing industry. The annual report estimates revenue and unit sales for trade (consumer), higher education, PreK-12, professional and university press markets.

APA StatShot Monthly

StatShot Monthly reports participating publishers’ aggregated gross sales, returns, net sales, and growth rate for the reporting month, same month of prior year, and year-to-date by category. This report is available individually or by annual subscription.

APA PreK-12 Books and Materials Annual

PreK-12 Books and Materials Annual is an extensive report featuring aggregated revenue for participating PreK-12 publishers by product category, subject, and territory.

APA PreK-12 Books and Materials Monthly

PreK-12 Books and Materials Monthly reports participating publishers’ aggregated net sales for the reporting month, same month of previous year, and year-to-date for core curriculum (basal) materials broken out by grade (preK-6, 6-12, and total preK-12), and adoption vs. non-adoption states. This report is available individually or by annual subscription.

APA Higher Education Books and Materials Annual

Higher Education Books and Materials Annual includes aggregated revenue reported for participating publishers of college products by: format (print/digital/bundles), market category, subject category, and frontlist/backlist.